On this site, I posted a picture (almost) every day, from December 3, 2010 to December 3, 2011. Only 16 days during that period are without pictures. All but two pictures were taken on the day of the post. Sometimes the daily picture represented the day in a larger way; sometimes it was just a picture. Since I posted so often, some pictures are more interesting than others. Looking back, I'm surprised at how much I like some of them, and how boring others are.
After one year of posting a daily picture, I'm going to post less frequently from now on. I'll post pictures whenever I have something worth sharing. And I'm abandoning all my "rules" - I might go for awhile without posting, or I might post ten pictures on one day. I'm going to keep the name of the blog (and the URL) the same, even though it's no longer really accurate.
Thank you to all who have followed this blog and left comments. Please continue to check back - there will be more pictures, just not every day.